Subject: File 1 of 4 -- Explanations... The following three program listings are taken from the September 1987 issue of PCResource magazine.. They were developed by Dave Rowell to handle a couple of problems he encountered.. I think they are worth mentioning, and using if needed... The first, DEBOOT.BAS, creates a file called DEBOOT.COM.. When run, DEBOOT.COM is a memory resident routine which traps the CTRL-ALT-DEL (or CTRL-SYSREQ on certain PCs using BTC keyboards) key sequences. This effectively disables the rebooting process.. at least to a point.. In reality, the reboot key sequence is reassigned to the LEFT SHIFT-ALT-DEL key sequence... The exciting thing that I see here, is that this could be incorporated into systems that shound not be rebooted by the user.. Rowell on the other hand thought it usefull to those BASIC programmers with BTC keyboards who want to press CTRL-BREAK, but end up rebooting through a slip of the finger.. Either way, if you need it, try it... The second, SCANCODE.BAS is another of Rowell's little utilities.. It takes his logic a step further, and allows the user to find the scancode of any key that is pressed.. The program will display the associated scancode on the screen after it is selected.. CTRL-ESC to exit from the program... This also generates a file called SCANCODE.COM which is the final form program file... I see it as worthwhile for those who have nonstandard... The third, KEYKILL.BAS is the third of the set.. Rowell intended it to be used together with SCANCODE.COM.. The idea here is to provide the user with the ability to selectively disable certain keys.. up to three at a time.. The initial run of the program generates KEYKILL.COM.. (However, I suspect if you elect to change the keys you want to disable, you have to rerun KEYKILL.BAS) When KEYKILL.BAS is run, it asks for the scancodes of the keys that you want to disable.. (which you have previously obtained).. To avoid entering three, just press ENTER for each you wish to omit when you are prompted... If you have interest in obtaining more information, Rowell can be contacted directly at this address: 80 Elm St. Peterborough, NH 03458